The majority of dogs that arrive in rescue centers are between six months and seven years of age and weigh up to fifty pounds. Any breed of dog can arrive in a rescue center though some breeds are more prevalent than others. Labeling a breed as aggressive makes those dogs more difficult to re-home. Many rescue dogs are re-homed quickly, but some wait longer for a home. This may be particularly true when the rescue dog is older. Some agencies provide ongoing health care and support for older dogs after they have been placed. There are several charities dedicated to rescuing and re-homing older dogs.

A study conducted by the United States National Council on Pet Population Study and Policy (NCPPSP) in 1998 found that the main reasons for pets being relinquished are: family moving, landlord will not allow pets, too many animals in household, cost of keeping the pet, owner is having personal problems, inadequate facilities, and no homes available for puppies. The study found that 47.7% of dogs turned in to shelters were not altered (spayed or neutered), 33% had not been to a veterinarian, and 96% of dogs had no obedience training. The conclusion of the researchers was that the owners who were relinquishing their pets did not have the knowledge to be responsible dog owners, and that educational programs aimed at present and prospective owners would reduce the number of dogs relinquished to animal shelters.

The dogs that come to rescue are from all types of backgrounds. Some, through no fault of their own, find themselves without a home. An owner dies or moves somewhere and they feel they can’t keep the dog or the dog is considered not suitable to the new home. Perhaps it was a cute puppy bought on impulse, with no thought of what it would be when it grew up. Often, temperament problems that could have been easily corrected when the dog was young, were allowed to continue until the dog became a serious problem. Barking, biting, and not being housebroken are common problems. Many times it’s just not the right breed of dog for that person or that particular family.

Dog of the Month - Nolan

Nolan is a recent addition, after being picked up as a stray. He is about 3 years old and very well behaved. Young, male, large.



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